


Simo Motor Anti-Counterfeiting Query & Operation Instruction

一、 为了打击和严防假冒“西玛”牌电机自2018年1月1日起西安泰富西玛电机有限公司(原西安电机厂)针对基本系列产品铭牌上全面启用防伪二维码标识(铭牌右下角)如图1所示。

I. In order to combat and prevent counterfeit "Simo" brand motors, from January 1, 2018, Xi'an Tech Full Simo Motor Co., Ltd. (formerly Xi'an Motor Factory) has fully enabled the anti-counterfeit QR code identification on the nameplates of basic products (right of the nameplate (Bottom corner) as shown in Figure 1.

铭牌样式Figure 1 Format of nameplate

二、 防伪查询

II Anti-Counterfeiting Query

1) 扫一扫查询、Scan query

打开手机微信/支付宝,扫一扫功能,对准您产品铭牌上右下角的二维码扫一扫,核对铭牌上的型号、出厂编号信息等与扫描显示的信息是否一致,来辨别真伪。如下图2, 图3所示:

Open the mobile WeChat / Alipay-scan function- scan the QR code on the lower right corner of your product nameplate, and check whether the model, factory number and other information on the nameplate are consistent with the information displayed on the scan to identify authenticity. As shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3:


图2 扫一扫界面

Figure 2 Scan interface



Checking information:

1. Check the nameplate model and display model information;          

2. Check the nameplate number and display the factory number;

3. Check other information besides the above.             

图3  扫描显示信息

Figure 3 Scan display information


a. 登录西玛电机官网:www.simo.com.cn 首页右上角,点击【 防伪查询 】按钮,输入相应的信息,点击【 查询 】按钮。

b、关注微信公众号:【 西玛电机 】,点击菜单【 防伪查询 】,输入相应的信息,点击【 查询 】按钮

2) Manual input query (factory motors in 2019)

a. Login to the official website of www.simo.com.cn, in the upper right corner of the homepage, click the [Anti-counterfeiting query] button, enter the corresponding information, and click the [Query] button.

b. Follow WeChat Official Account: [Xima Electric], click the menu [Anti-counterfeiting query], enter the corresponding information, and click the [Query] button